November 6, 2008

Milestones in Potty Training

Many of you have been privy to our concerns with potty training.  Between us and school, Mason has been given over a year's worth of opportunities to use the bathroom like a big boy, but has never indulged his parents, grandparents or teachers...until this morning.  We finally had a successful attempt in potty training, which was of course then followed by a trip to Target for a new Geotrax train.  Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of diapers for Mason!


Mandy said...

Congratulations! :) We purchased a potty for Henry this morning. I don't actually think he's going to use it, but I want to create the opportunity. I like how you said that! Keep up the good work. :)

Angie said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations. We will keep our fingers crossed for you!

Brie said...

Yay! Making strides to only have one child in diaper is a great thing :)