October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009

Mason and Cooper were lucky and patient enough to celebrate Halloween for two days, both at Anna's Bananas and home. Mason was his favorite Wii character Mario and Cooper was a cute, cuddly lion. Mason enjoyed a day of activities at school which included a costume parade, activities in other classrooms and of course a treat bag (and since Mason doesn't really like candy, he was simply estatic about the M&Ms in his bag). Cooper got to hang out looking cute with his teachers and other babies.

On Halloween, Mason and Cooper got their costumes on again and paid a visit to Grandma Geralyn and Grandpa Mike's house where Tyler jumped in on the fun. After arriving home, Mason and Tyler were joined by Henry (with parents Mandy and Andy in tow) for some trick-or-treating in our neighborhood (for those of you who haven't heard, our neighborhood, especially our neighbors are huge fans of Halloween). Trick-or-treating did not last long since Mason came home crying after a man in a mask scared him when he answered his door. Luckily the boys were ready to play at home anyway. The Gunderson's also joined us later in the evening. The kids were all very adorable in their costumes and enjoyed some playtime.

October 21, 2009

Milestones Times Two

Today when I picked up Mason and Cooper from school, I was greeted as always with big smiles from Cooper, but today something was a little different. The difference...his first tooth has arrived. I attempted to get a picture tonight of this tooth, but Cooper had other ideas.

Later while playing at home tonight, we were treated to another difference...Cooper has finally figured out crawling. We are definitely in trouble now that he is mobile. He has been frustrated for quite some time so we are very excited he figured out how to move himself around easier. I was able to get a little video of his success.

It has been quite a busy, fun and eventful evening. It makes me wonder what will happen tomorrow:)

October 20, 2009

Six Years and Counting

On Sunday, Corey and I celebrated our six year anniversary and could not have spent the day any better than with our boys. Similar to the random warm weekend we got married, we were able to enjoy some time outside.

We visited Pahl's Market in Apple Valley for their Pumpkin Pahlooza.

We also got to log some backyard time. Cooper was captivated by the leaves on the ground, which surprisingly did not end up in his mouth. Mason had his fun rolling around in the leaves.

Our lives have changed so much for the better in the last six years. With these two, how could it not?

October 16, 2009

Yyyaaayyy Gophers!

Let the Gopher Hockey season begin!

October 9, 2009

6 Month Stats

Height: 27.5 inches (75th percentile)
Weight: 18 pounds 15 ounces (60th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18 inches (90th percentile)

Likes: Being out and about, balls, bananas, Mason's attention, a soft Gopher hockey puck (go figure), putting anything and everything into his mouth.

Dislikes: Not being able crawl!

October 8, 2009

Catching Up With Cooper

Cooper has learned some new tricks since our last update.

Sitting on his own.

Rolling over (back to front). After long ago mastering the roll from front to back, Cooper finally figured out how to get onto his tummy (first achieved 09/25/2009). I apologize for the bad lighting on the video, I really need a new camera or to learn how to use more lights while filming.

Ready, set...almost. He is very close to crawling. Here is a little video of an attempt.
I again apologize for the bad lighting.

A week shy of his 6th month birthday, Cooper was finally able to try out some baby food. We started with the traditional rice cereal and have since introduced bananas, sweet potatoes and oatmeal. He is very much enjoying this variation from the bottle and hopefully he continues loving new foods.

First Food 10/02/2009

Since Mason has had a number of photo slideshows lately, I decided to include a little photo montage of Cooper as well:)