February 14, 2012

Valentines Day 2012

Thumbprint Heart Valentines for School & Anna's Teachers

Anna's Art Project 

Corey's Valentine's Present
Thanks Pinterest! 

February 11, 2012

Night at the Museum

With Corey and Erik off having a man baby shower (AKA Diaper Party), the rest of us (Mason, Cooper, Tyler,  Auntie Emmy, Grandma Geralyn, Grandpa Mike and myself) headed to the Science Museum a fun evening excursion in the midst of all our crazy schedules.

February 5, 2012


Well, it happened and really to no one's surprise, Cooper got stitches, or "itches" as he calls it.  After his chin had a run in with the corner of a metal carpet strip, we quickly headed to urgent care.  The result was three (3) stitches and some trauma, more for mom than Cooper.  He was a champ as always, only tears at urgent care were during the actual stitching.  When the doctor was done, he was handed a sucker and all was right in his world.  He even walked out of urgent care with his usual strut.  Hopefully "itches" are not needed again any time soon, or ever.