April 17, 2010

We like to party, we like, we like to party!

It was finally time for Cooper's big birthday party. His theme was inspired by the classic Hand Hand Fingers Thumb by Al Perkins, which is Cooper's favorite book. The planning and preparations of Cooper's party rivaled Mason's first birthday party (a Go Dog Go theme) with elaborate invitations and character cutting.

The day was perfect and we were thankful to share Cooper's first birthday with our family and friends. Cooper thoroughly enjoyed his party, cupcake and presents.

Thank you to everyone who helped make his birthday so special.

April 12, 2010

Cooper's 1 Year Stats

Height: 30 inches (51st percentile)
Weight: 23 pounds (49th percentile)
Head Circumference: 19 1/4 inches (96th percentile)
# of Teeth: 9 (which includes his first molar)

Words/Sounds: Dada, Mama, Dog, Duck, Quack, Moo, Woof

Likes: Animals, food (especially blueberries), brushing teeth, playing outside, remotes, dancing, being silly (Cooper thinks he is pretty funny), anything Mason is doing

Dislikes: Not being able to play with Mom's phone, sharing toys with Mason

April 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Cooper!!!

My baby is one, how is this possible? It feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. I had an extra emotional week with Cooper turning one and Mason going to Kindergarten Round Up. Everything with these boys goes by so fast.

Cooper started his birthday with his friends at Anna's Bananas, which even included a pizza lunch (they have pizza every Friday, so it was not really a special occasion, but Cooper loves pizza so it was special for him) and a birthday banner compliments of his teachers.

In honor of Cooper's birthday, Corey and I took an afternoon off of work and took the boys to zoo to see the farm babies. Cooper is fascinated with animals, so we couldn't have thought of a better way to spend time with him on his birthday. The weather was perfect to explore all of the outside animals at the zoo.

Later that afternoon while reading a book, Cooper surprised us by saying "duck" and "quack" in response to a big picture. He must know he is a big boy now that he is one.

For Cooper's birthday dinner, he was treated to pancakes and blueberries, along with some whipped topping, which he enjoyed very much.

Stay tuned next week for Cooper's birthday party!

April 8, 2010

Kindergarten Round Up

Much to my dismay, Mason will be starting Kindergarten in the fall and attending Meadowview Elementary in Farmington and after much debate, he will be attending Kindergarten full day through Farmington's Kinder Journey program in lieu of the traditional half day Farmington provides.

We had the opportunity to attend Kindergarten Round Up for our first official visit to the school (other than pre-K screening). Round up was complete with a group snack, a scavenger hunt around the school and practice on a school bus. Mason had quite the swagger as he strut around the school, I am pretty sure he is excited!

April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Our Easter weekend was very complete with lots of Easter related activities. Mason and I colored eggs together.

We woke up Easter morning to find that the Easter Bunny had made a visit to our house and filled the boys baskets with goodies.

Not only did the Easter Bunny fill the baskets, but he also hid all the eggs we colored. Good thing Mason and Cooper were able to find them all.

We ended our day at Grandma Geralyn and Grandpa Mike's house where not only did Grandma and Grandpa have baskets for the boys, but the Easter Bunny had stopped there too. The boys had two more egg hunts to make the day complete.

April 2, 2010

Fun with Friends

Mason, Cooper and I decided to join our friends for a morning at the Como Zoo. It is amazing how our group have friends have grown so quickly throughout the years. With 4 moms and 6 kids, we made it though the zoo and got in a picnic lunch before the rain started. I think this was a great way to spend a day off of work!

Mason (4 - not sure what this face is about), Henry (3), Addie (2), Jack (see back stroller - 6 weeks),
Ava (almost 2 - 23 months) and Cooper (almost 1 - 7 days before his big birthday)