February 22, 2013

Special Person of the Week

Mason was the mystery person of the week. Clues were revealed one a day until he figured it out.  In honor of this, his friends all wrote him compliments compiled in this Sparkle Book. I am always so proud of him, but it really warmed my heart to read what his classmates had to say to him. He is such a good kid!

February 17, 2013

Voth Cousins

Samantha (3), Brik (3 weeks), Mason (7), Cooper (3)

February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

The not so happy Valentine's Day:)

Valentine's Day Tea:
Mason got to pick one special person to come to his class Valentine's Day Tea.  I was lucky enough to be that special person.  The second graders put on a fabulous program which included a reading of the Valentine's Day card they made, saying a memorized poem and a song at the end.  It was a special afternoon with my favorite second grader.

Best Valentine's Day Card Ever!

Cooper also had a special day with a Valentine's Day Party at Anna's Bananas, which included face painting:)  He even helped with all of the valentines for his friends by writing all the c of his name.