August 27, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Mason!

Mason and I got to spend the day together for his big 6th birthday.  We started our day with his 6 year well child appointment, bad mom I know for scheduling a doctors appointment on his birthday.  We began the celebration after with lunch at McDonald's at the birthday boys request, which even included some time in their play place (despite my dislike).  The main events for the day was picking up Mason's friend Mitchell and heading to Adventure Gardens Mini Golf in Richfield to meet Corey for 18 holes followed by dinner at I-Hop, again at the birthday boys' choosing.  We had a great birth-day and cannot believe our Mason is 6.   


The next day was his big birthday party with all of his family.  This year he decided on a Mario theme.  He was of course spoiled with lots of great gifts and enjoyed being the center of attention.

August 26, 2011

Mason's 6 Year Stats

Height: 46 inches (63rd percentile)
Weight: 44.8 pounds (50th percentile)

Likes: Phineas & Ferb, Mario Kart Wii, Uno, Football, Swimming, 
Anna's Bananas Summer Camp, Big Brother

Dislikes: Losing, most foods, sleeping all night in his room

August 13, 2011

Big Boy Bed

Cooper has moved into a big boy bed, not to be confused with a big kid bed.  He was an instant pro and thinks he is a pretty big deal of course.

He appears to be getting a good night sleep too!

August 7, 2011

That Guy

Instead of being the "guy" who mows the lawn without a shirt, Coop is apparently one who doesn't need a shirt or pants, a pull up is good enough:)