November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mason's Thankful List (created 11/20/11 at Sunday School)

November 20, 2011


We took Mason & Tyler to their first Vikings game.  In preparation for the game, we took Mason to pick out some Vikings gear.  He settled on nothing less than a jersey of course, a Peterson jersey to be exact.  We walked in at the same moment the fireworks and cannon erupted for the first Vikings touchdown, which startled Mason thus triggering a rough start to the experience.  After that he was prepared and covered his ears a lot.  The Vikings could not pull off a victory, but the boys will still say they had fun!

November 14, 2011

Remember when...

Mason has started a lot of "Remember when..."  With this Corey and I have been reminded of the classic SNL skit "The Chris Farley Show."  Enjoy!

November 13, 2011

Its been one week....

since Coop had any accidents in his underwear.  Yay Coops!

November 11, 2011

Smarty Pants

This week we received two (2) notes home from school.  The first was telling us that Mason had been selected for a high potential reading class.  The second was telling us that he was selected for a high potential math class.  Way to go Mason!