April 22, 2009

Sleepy Baby

I somehow forgot how much newborns sleep during the first few weeks, especially since Mason outgrew naps awhile ago.  As you can see, Cooper is getting plently of great sleep (we are also getting good use out of our new bouncer - thanks Mom!).  We are also happy to report that he has been sleeping in his own bed (crib) for the most part, which many of you know was not and is not Mason's ideal sleeping situation.


It took Mason a couple of days to warm up to Cooper.  It wasn't that he didn't like him at first, he was just very nervous about this little baby.  Finally, after a day of being home, he decided that he would like to hold Cooper.  

In the days since Mason has discovered that Cooper isn't so scary, he has been very interested in what Cooper is doing.  His favorite question is "Are Cooper's eyes open?"  If we answer yes, he usually will come talk to Cooper.  Mason also thinks that it is fun to have Cooper grab his finger.

Mason has even been brave enough to give Cooper kisses.

I think they are going to be great brothers!

April 13, 2009

Voth - Family of 4

It is funny how everything can change in an instant.  Within the second that Cooper was born, our lives changed for the better.  "We now have four" as Mason says quite frequently.  We are now the very proud parents of two beautiful boys.

April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Cooper and I were discharged from the hospital Easter morning (his actual due date) just in time to enjoy an Easter dinner at my parents house before finally going home.  

The Easter Bunny had made a stop at our house for both the Voth boys.  

April 11, 2009

Cooper's First Professional Photos

Ok, so by professional, I mean not by mom or dad.  

April 9, 2009

Welcome Cooper

As most of you know, my C-Section was scheduled for an early 7:30 am Thursday morning.  We arrived at United Hospital in St. Paul almost promptly at the 5:30 am arrival time.  After a quick check in at the admitting desk, we were headed off to Labor and Delivery to complete the C-Section prep.  This consists of answering about a million health questions, having an IV put in (twice if you are like me and have weak veins), and getting hooked up to the fetal monitor so that we were able to listen to Cooper during the million questions.  Around 7:15 am, we got to meet our anesthesiologist who explained the spinal block procedure (don't worry, I will spare you from those details).  I was then briskly escorted to the operating room for my 7:30 start.  

I get onto the operating table, get positioned to begin the spinal block when they realize that they have no blood in the room in the event somthing catastrophic were to happen and I would need a blood transfusion.  After a phone call, it was quickly determined that the lab had not yet matched an antibody in my blood and therefore could not supply any blood.  So, the anesthesiologist puts the C-Section on hold until the blood matching could happen.  I am then escorted back to my room in Labor and Delivery to wait.  The anesthesiologist informs me that I am in the 1% of people this happens to and that they will proceed as soon as a match is determined.  My doctor further informs me that this is more common than 1%, especially in those who have a negative RH Factor (my blood is A-).  After a few minutes of waiting, a nurse informs us that we will need to wait until 11:30 am, provided my blood is matched, to have the C-Section since my doctor had some other patients to attend to.  We make a few phone calls to let everyone know that things are ok, just delayed (which is only fitting for me, did I really think I was going to just walk in there and have a baby so quickly - at least this way Cooper gets a more interesting delivery story).  Corey runs to get some breakfast and our movies since it looks like we have some waiting to do.  He barely arrives back to the room when the nurses burst in and say it is time to go.  Apparently we were no longer waiting until 11:30 am.  

Within 15 minutes, I was numb from the chest down, Corey was brought into the operating room and the C-Section had begun (my doctor let me know that Cooper was still "floating around" and had not made his way into position for a natural delivery - so who knows when he would have wanted to come out on his own).  Approximately 15 minutes later (9:42 am to be exact), our beautiful baby boy arrived.  Everyone's first reaction was on what a big baby he was and my doctor reassured my that C-Section was definitely the way to go with a baby his size.  After the measurements were complete, Cooper weighed in at 8 pounds 15 3/4 ounces and was 21 inches long with a head circumference of 15 inches.

April 7, 2009

Here we go....

I cannot believe that this week is already upon us...we are having a baby this week (Hooray!).

Our house has made quite the transition over the last couple of months.  Our spare room has become a nursery, 

*Don't worry - the crib bumper was removed shortly after this photo was taken.  It was only put on for decorative purposes prior to Cooper's arrival.

baby toys have arrived in our living room and baby gear has been re-assembled.   As much as I didn't think we could arrive at this point, I have to say that we are ready to go.

Although my number one excitement for the week is obviously meeting Cooper, but a close second is the fact that I get to be done being pregnant as well.  As you can tell, I don't think I could get much larger (or more uncomfortable either).  At least the outcome of pregnancy is well worth the 40 weeks it takes to get through it (or almost 42 for Mason).

Come Thursday morning at roughly 7:30 am, we will be the proud parents of another baby boy and couldn't be more thrilled.  When I reminded Mason that he is going to be a big brother this week, I was told "that is pretty cool."  I couldn't agree more.

April 1, 2009

My Cooper

As most of you know, Mason has become a hockey fanatic.  His favorite goal celebration as of late is the hug.  Tonight I was in the kitchen making us dinner when he scored a goal and came to give me a celebratory hug.  He hugged for an extra long time and I asked him if anything was wrong.  I was quickly told "I hugging my Cooper," which was one of the best things I have heard in a long time.  I just hope the affection for his brother continues after Cooper is born.