March 20, 2012

Goodbye Great Grandpa Dols

We ended our Spring Break on a sad note with the passing of my Grandpa Dols. He was such a great Man, Husband, Dad, Grandpa and Great Grandpa.  I will never forget how he lit up every time he saw the boys.  Mason even wrote him a note from him and Cooper letting him know that they loved and would miss him and placed it a special spot in his casket so it will be with him always.  He will be missed greatly!

Cooper's Baptism - May 10, 2009

Mason - August 28, 2005

Spring Break 2012

It almost didn't happen, but we managed a Spring Break Getaway and headed back to the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells.  We enjoying lots of time in the water park.  Cooper even enjoyed some big waterslides, which included a family raft ride with enclosed tubes that even went outside the building.  Mason was in his prime as the big brother showing Coop the ropes.
Resting up for vacation!

We also spent some time in the indoor theme park where the boys enjoyed a couple of rides, we had a family game of mini golf and Corey & Mason did some of a ropes course, which Corey says he will never do again:)


It was a much needed getaway and we had a great time!

March 10, 2012

Official Big Kid

Today Cooper officially became a big kid.  He was already sleeping in a big boy bed and potty trained, but still hung onto one baby item, his nuk.  Today, Cooper gave his nuk to his cousin Ethan and never looked back.  Congrats Coop!

Let's Go Gophers

Our family TV moment...Thanks Chris!
Cooper's First Gopher Hockey Game
Still doing the Rouser!

Getting some pointers on TV production

March 5, 2012

Welcome Ethan!

Ethan Bantly McKloskey finally arrived on March 5, 2012.  We were all convinced he was a girl, but are all ecstatic to add the fourth Wadley grandson to the mix.