January 23, 2009

Recent Wins and Losses

WIN:  Last weekend, Corey finished our basement (or refinished our basement).  I am so glad that this project could be checked off our list.  Now it is on to reorganizing the house, but at least we have some additional space to put things.  Thanks Corey!

LOSS:  Corey has stolen my son from me over the past couple of weeks.  My music loving boy has turned into a sports fanatic.  He requests to watch sporting events and is constantly playing hockey or baseball at home (our family room now fashions a hockey net).  Although this is really not that bad of a thing to happen, I still feel a sense of loss that I am not the most fun parent anymore.   

WIN:  This week I had the big glucose test.  I passed with flying colors so I will not have to endure the 3 hour test that would have followed if I had not passed.

LOSS:  Although the glucose went fine, my hemoglobin check did not fall within the normal range, which makes me slightly anemic.  Not the end of the world or cause for concern by any means, it just means that I need to start taking an iron supplement.

WIN:  This week I won naming rights to my second child.  It is amazing what a purchase of an X-Box gets you.  

WIN/LOSS:  Today I got to schedule my C-Section (WIN).  Our baby will be born at the latest Tuesday, April 7, 2009 around 1:30 pm, which means that I lose almost of week of pregnancy.  Although I am very excited that the baby will be born the week before my due date, a little panic set in about losing a week of preparation at both home and work.


Mandy said...

HA! how do they figure to take the baby a week early? just scheduling preferences of the dr? it must be nice to know that you will for sure have your dr.

good job on winning the naming rights via xbox. carrying and delivering the little one wasn't enough?!?! :)

do be sure to let us know when corey joins xbox live!

Brie said...

What a fun post! Cannot wait to hear your name decision :)