May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend by Mason

Our Memorial Day weekend was supposed to be filled with activities.  On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy were to go to a wedding and I was going to go stay with Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Frank.  On Sunday, we were all planning on going to Lewiston to celebrate Great Grandma and Grandpa Voth's 60th Anniversary.  BUT, Daddy got a migraine on Saturday morning, so we changed our weekend plans, since he had to spend his weekend in bed.  

On Saturday, we stayed at home where I helped Mommy with Cooper.

I brought the Boppy to Mommy when Cooper wanted to eat.

I helped push the stroller on our walk to the park, which Cooper enjoyed - see.

On Sunday, Mommy, Cooper and I went to the cabin.  Grandma Geralyn, Grandpa Mike, Tyler, Aly and Joe were all already there and ready for fun.

I got to sit in the driver's seat at the dock and press the horn button (a lot).

Later, Grandpa Mike even let me drive the boat.

I got to play lots of baseball.  Everyone played with me, including Joe and Tyler's friends, it was a lot of fun.

I learned some new dance moves from my Auntie Aly.

I got to spend time with my cousin Tyler.  "Tyler is so funny!"

Cooper enjoyed the cabin too.

On Monday it was Grandma Geralyn's birthday, so it was nice to see her on her special day.  We stayed at the cabin for just a little while after breakfast (enough time for me to get in another boat ride and some baseball) and then we headed home to see Daddy, who was feeling better.

I hope everyone had a fun weekend!

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