May 9, 2009


After increasing fussiness last week followed by a day of no sleep and extreme restlessness last Friday, I brought Cooper into the doctor Saturday morning with what I thought was our first ear infection.  Turns out that I was wrong on my ear infection hunch, but right that there was more to the story than just a fussy baby.  After providing the doctor a very detailed story, she concluded that Cooper was suffering from reflux.  Now we have the joy of giving him baby Zantac twice a day to try to give him some comfort and relief.  We have seen some improvement with the medicine, but we have had some pretty rough nights with very little sleep for Cooper and I.  I hope he will start feeling better soon.

On a lighter note, our doctors appointment also gave us the opportunity to get the height and weight stats for Cooper at one month.  He weighed in at 12 lbs 3 oz (80th percentile) and was 23 inches (75th percentile).  We have quite the growing boy on our hands.


Mandy said...

oh boy. that's no fun! clearly the reflux hasn't affected his growth though! :)

Angie said...

My cousin's little boy had the same problem. The zantac helped, hope it works for Cooper too! Hope to see you and the boys soon!