July 2, 2009

Week 12 Update

I will probably say this every month, but how is Cooper already 12 weeks old?  He has changed so much since he was born.  He is an active baby, well, as active as you can be at 12 weeks.  He has recently learned to "scoot" himself on the floor and in his crib.  It is amazing how far he can make it.  Within the last four weeks, he has begun to giggle, which may be one of the best sounds I have ever heard (that and Mason's laugh of course).  Another highlight is that he has begun to organize his nighttime sleep and now only wakes up once for a feeding, he even surprised me with sleeping through the night on June 30 (it only lasted the one night, but I will take it).

Likes:  Playing on the floor, sitting up, cooing, Mason, kisses, scooting

Dislikes:  Lying down in the crib for daytime naps, being in the car when it stops, being overtired (still).

Mason, oh Mason, he is just so much fun.  I know that I am biased, but I think that he is just the coolest kid.  He is funny, sweet and a little trouble all mixed into one.  Over the last month, he has really become very interested in reading again and the best part is that he can now read many of the words in his books.  His favorite these days is the Froggy series by Jonathon London.

Likes:  Baseball, playing outside, swimming, reading, Mario Kart Wii, Mommy and Daddy time

Dislikes:  Quiet time, going to bed early, rainy days

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