September 24, 2011

Zoo Time with Samantha

Today we headed to the zoo with Samantha, Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Frank.  I think all the Voth grandkids enjoyed seeing all the animals and were tired out after!

September 10, 2011

Big Fish, Little Fish

Mason headed back to Wise Swim School for the fall sessions as a Junior Dolphin 2 and this time he brought his brother.  After impatiently waiting, Cooper finally started swimming lessons as a Dolphin Pup!


September 6, 2011

First Day, First Grade

Today Mason is a first grader and pretty excited to go back to school.  When asked how his first day went, he said "Great!"  We hope he continues such a positive attitude all year.  


September 2, 2011

The Great Minnesota Get Together

We headed to the Minnesota State Fair for the first time in three (3) years.    With Grandma Geralyn, Grandpa Mike, Grandma Brenda, Grandpa Frank, Emily, Erik, Tyler, Aly, Joe, Rachel and Chad all at the fair, it was truly a get together.  We enjoyed food, rides (thanks Grandma Geralyn), the giant slide (Mason's favorite) and tractors (Coop's favorite).



September 1, 2011

School Already?

Its is hard to imagine that summer is over and it is time to go back to school.  We headed to Meadowview for Open House where we got to meet Mason's teacher, Mrs. Heuser, complete a scavenger hunt and put away school supplies in Mason's very own desk.